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Welcome to Class 4 - Otters

These are the staff who work in Class 4

We had great fun on Roman Day!

We designed our own coins and played a traditional Roman game, which some historians now refer to as Rota. it proved a bit more challenging than Three in a Row.

Class 4 have incredible talent in paper sculpture and worked in teams brilliantly to construct their own Colosseum!

Fuelled for battle!

Some wonderful poetry on the subject of sound. I hope you recognise your child's handwriting.

And somehow we also managed to create our own Olympic medals!

We enjoyed learning about discipline and practised some self-defence techniques in our Taekwondo taster session.

We enjoyed developing Rugby skills and techniques with visiting coaches.

Golf instruction

Groups collaborated to make new versions of the French playground game, Escargot.

Class 4 Olympic Art

Class 4 did themselves proud on Sports Day - superb effort certainly increased enjoyment!

Understanding sound as vibration, using the string telephone experiment.

Fathers' Day cards, Roman god-style

Rapid Recall Facts

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We explored Jazz and Blues genres during our Performing Arts Week. Then we attempted our own twelve bar blues, with assistance from Mr Wallace and quite an impressive range of equipment!

We enjoyed a fitness challenge with James Dasaolu, 2014 European 100m champion.

Making spirit levels using microbits and rulers in Computing lessons.

Shared reading with Class 2

A lovely time on Sheldwich Lees, sketching the original school house as part of our History Day. The school was first established in 1814.

and some lovely results!

There were some fantastic Easter bonnet creations this year! The children confidently explained their design choices and methods of construction.

Book Week dress up day

Book Week Forest School session with Ms Caverly. Inspired by our class reading of The Hobbit, as well as folklore tales from around the world studied during the week, the children had great fun creating their own characters from clay and natural materials.

More outdoor learning. Another Science experiment and much better weather, but, despite a variety of different insulators, our ice was still very slow to melt. We enjoyed Ms Caverly's fire steel demonstration and hot chocolate too!

Class 4 worked so hard on their debating. We have some EXCELLENT orators in our midst!!

Outdoor Science in our Forest School area

Our Field of the Cloth of Gold workshop at Leeds Castle was fantastic fun!

We studied Pieter de Hooch's The Courtyard of a House in Delft as a class, focused on a detail in the painting and wrote our own poem in response. We then created a pack of identical cards, each backed with a different poem. We invited visitors to pick a card at random and read the back.

Art Week: We drew significant doors in blue marker pen, which opened onto colourful domestic scenes. These went towards a whole school installation, displayed in the hall at the end of the week.

We'd practised picking up small sweets with chopsticks, so were experts once the noodles arrived!

The children enjoyed working in groups to make their own section of The Great Wall of China.

Rapid Recall Facts Term 3

After work on circuits and experiments with basic switches, we made our own wire loop games. It was surprisingly difficult to avoid completing the circuit (and setting off the buzzer!)

In Science we have been studying electricity, recognising quite how much we make use of it and how important safety is. Everyone enjoyed learning how to wire a plug.

The children really enjoyed drumming sessions with Sam!

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Still image for this video

The class wrote some beautiful spontaneous poems, inspired by steam rising from damp wood as the sun shone on our sensory garden.

Rapid Recall

Lemon Batteries. Groups successfully constructed working batteries by adding a zinc nail and copper coins to opposite ends of a lemon. We proved a small amount of electrical charge but failed to light a bulb with several linked together. Some interesting discussion followed: we used a multimeter to test our circuit thoroughly, eventually concluding that our wires were somewhat resistant and our bulbs a little weak.

An exhausting Skittles transportation activity! We timed ourselves to see how many moves we could complete in one minute, then speculated whether this could be doubled in two. We found some interesting variables. Some adventurous individuals tested their theories further by attempting three minutes!

Our STEM week experiments with static electricity.

We used a a basic turntable, letting the bearing do the work to create some lovely spin pictures.

Our Iron Man pictures

Extension work on Area

Computing - Scratch Games

The children have been creating avoidance games in Scratch. They had to code their player sprite to be controlled by keyboard inputs and code the enemy sprite to move in some random way. They then tried to make the player sprite disappear if it was touched by the enemy sprite. Some children also added code to implement extra lives, a game-over screen and even a running score in their programs.


You can play some of the children's games here:

So much to take in on our amazing trip to Canterbury Cathedral!

We really enjoyed examining some amazing creatures and inventing our own dichotomous keys.

We had a fantastic bug hunt in the school grounds and were very excited by our finds!

Mindful sketchbook time. The children chose to draw either Stonehenge or The Giant's Causeway as part of their UK Topic work. Quite a challenge - and an admirable response!

We shared our Irish Dancing taster session with Class 3. Great fun!

Y3/4 Spelling Words

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