Subject Lead: Mrs Minty
At Sheldwich Primary School, our intent with regards to Science, is to provide a curriculum that inspires children to think scientifically, ask and answer scientific questions as well as being able to plan, conduct and record scientific investigations with increasing independence. We aim to develop children’s enjoyment and interest in Science and appreciate its contribution to all aspects of everyday life. The children will learn through hands-on experiences and then be able to apply the knowledge they have gained to real life situations and experiences. Throughout the year, children’s scientific skills will be developed through receiving carefully structured and planned lessons, which allow all children to have memorable learning experiences, regardless of their starting point. A discrete Science lesson will be taught weekly for Classes 1-6 at Sheldwich Primary School, with many elements of Science also filtering into our cross-curricular ‘Topic’ lessons. Science will be taught in the EYFS stage through the ‘Understanding the World’ strand of the EYFS curriculum, but they will similarly benefit from some cross-curricular links.
Scientific knowledge, the progression of skills and use of appropriate scientific vocabulary are they key focusses throughout the carefully structured Science lessons that we teach at Sheldwich Primary School.
Lessons are taught every week following the Kent Primary Scheme of Work (2014), which is very closely linked to the National Curriculum.
Lessons feature appropriate differentiation and learning is recorded in an age appropriate manner.
Lessons will feature a combination engaging and exciting practical activities and investigations that allow children to have memorable experiences, alongside theory-based learning to further develop scientific knowledge.
During lessons, key scientific language and vocabulary is modelled by the teacher and children are encouraged to use appropriate scientific vocabulary.
Lessons take place in mixed ability year groups; however, specific support is put in place so that all children, regardless of their starting point, can meet the Learning Objective.
Where possible, links are made with other subjects across the curriculum.
Use of the Canterbury Primary Schools Partnership to enable high quality resources and teaching ideas to be shared between schools, as well as the opportunity for students who show a keen interest and pursuit of Science to take part in ‘Saturday Smarties’ at Kings School.
A specific week in the year dedicated to Science learning, allowing children to really engage with the subject on a deeper level and flourish as Scientists.
As a result of our teaching you will see:
Children who are excited about Science learning and maintain high levels of engagement throughout lessons.
Curious children who want to find out more and can see the relevance of their learning and how it relates to real-life situations.
Children who talk enthusiastically about Science using appropriate scientific vocabulary.
Learning that is tracked and monitored to ensure all children make good progress.
Teacher assessment forms the basis of Science assessment at Sheldwich Primary School. Teachers are expected to mark each lesson and record children who have achieved particularly well, and those who require additional support. Teachers assess formatively through the use of verbal questioning, observations of children whilst participating in investigations and practical activities, as well as through their marking of children’s work in their books. As a result of this, teachers are highly skilled at adapting their planning to meet the needs of their children. The assessment of children in Science is noted termly on the schoolwide ‘Foundation Assessment’ file and is reported to parents twice yearly through the ‘Mid-Year Report’ and ‘End of Year Report’.