Subject Lead: Mrs Dixon
Geography is fundamental in everyday life and, with this is mind, the purpose of Geography at Sheldwich Primary School is for all children to develop an ability to solve problems, reason, think logically and to work systematically and accurately. All children are challenged and encouraged to excel in Geography.
New geographical concepts are introduced using a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach; enabling all children to experience hands-on learning when discovering new geographical topics.
Geographical skills are practised regularly at Sheldwich Primary School to ensure key geographical concepts are embedded and children can recall this information to see the links and make connections between topics in Geography.
Geography is taught in a series of carefully sequenced lessons so that the children can develop depth in their learning and acquire a range of skills and knowledge so that they are all successful geographers.
As a result of our teaching you will see:
Teacher assessment forms the basis of Geography assessment at Sheldwich Primary School. Teachers are expected to mark each lesson and record children who have achieved particularly well, and those who require additional support. Teachers assess formatively through the use of verbal questioning, observations of children whilst participating in investigations and practical activities, as well as through their marking of children’s work in their books. As a result ofthis, teachers are highly skilled at adapting their planning to meet the needs of their children. The assessment of children in Geography is noted termly on the schoolwide ‘Foundation Assessment’ file and is reported to parents twice yearly through the ‘Mid-Year Report’ and ‘End of Year Report’.