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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Wellbeing Leads

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 - Movement: Moving for our mental health







Mental Health and Wellbeing Workshops March 2024


Anna Freud Tips for talking for parents and carers.

We are delighted to inform you that Sheldwich School Wellbeing Garden has been Highly Commended by the judging panel of the Kent Mental Wellbeing Awards.

The Panel were extremely impressed at all our initiatives and the amount of hard work and dedication required to deliver them.  Well done to all involved, we are very proud of our wellbeing garden and our award!


To find out more about the awards please visit





Mental Health Awareness week is 15th-21st May 2023 and the theme this year is Anxiety.  We have provided some links below which you may find helpful.

The 2022 Mental Health awareness week will take place from 9th-15th May and this year the theme is loneliness.

Please see below for links with more information.




There are so many special and exciting things about Sheldwich, but one of the best is Fantastic Friday. We get to come in and have a fab start to our morning by exploring new and fun activities. Our teachers are there to chat, play and giggle with us. 

Mr Grave is feeling fantastic on a Friday

So lets talk Fantastic Friday. This year at Sheldwich we have been embracing Fantastic Friday and getting creative. So what have we been up to? Creating our own models using paper (paper craft). We enjoyed using play dough and clay to model. We all love to embrace dancing on a Fantastic Friday and sing along to music. Modelling is a a must for a Friday. We use Lego, paper, blocks, duplo, click sticks and a wide range of materials to make wonderful creations with. Who has heard of speed stacking, well take a look at our photos. Speed stacking may be noisy, but it is good noise on a Fantastic Friday! 

Fantastic Friday time


Each Friday we celebrate our week with a Fantastic Friday morning session. During this time the children can participate in a creative, fun and cheerful activity. This time gives opportunities for the children to have an open conversation with a member of staff and express their feelings, worries or thoughts. The children are encouraged to have social interactions with their peers.  

Well-being garden


Look at our amazing well-being garden, it is flourishing beautifully. 

We know there is huge amount of information online regarding the mental health of children but we feel the following websites are particularly helpful and contain some really useful and practical information. 

We have also attached a link to the BBC bitesize page which has some child friendly videos which may help in supporting the Year 6 children with their transition to secondary school.

 Below is the Nature themed information pack from 2021 Mental Health Awareness Week which you may still enjoy looking at with your children.  
