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Special Educational Needs

SEN Information Report


Our SENCO (special educational need co-ordinator) is Mrs C Lay and she can be contacted by e-mail: or by telephone: 01795 532779

SEN Provision at Sheldwich Primary and Little Hedgehogs Pre-School

At Sheldwich Primary School and Little Hedgehogs Pre-School, we believe that all children are unique, valued, respected and welcomed whatever their educational need. We work hard to ensure that every member of our school community - pupils, parents, staff - feel supported and included. Sheldwich is an inclusive school and every child, whatever their individual abilities or needs , is equally valued and welcomed here.


We recognise the importance of helping all children achieve their full potential; emotionally, socially, physically and academically. We ensure they are fully included in all school activities, seeking external support and facilities when needed.

If you have any concerns regarding your child's learning, emotional, medical or physical needs, then please speak to either your class teacher or Mrs Lay ( Assistant Headteacher and SENCo) to discuss your concerns

For further information please see our SEND policy (attached above).


SEND = Special Educational Need and Disability


How the curriculum is matched to meet children's needs

We believe that all pupils will be able to access the curriculum at a level appropriate for their individual needs. Class teachers plan carefully to ensure that lessons are differentiated appropriately to suit the learning needs of all pupils, to enable success. The 'Class Provision Map' outlines more specific support for children, either on an individual or group basis and is reviewed and adapted during pupil progress meetings. A few children that have needs which are more complex will receive personalised 1:1 teaching, that is often monitored or directed by external services. Children with the most complex needs, will have been awarded an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP) by the Local Education Authority and will have their own Provision Plan. This plan is a legal document and specific targets must be implemented and monitored to ensure that progress is made, and the child’s needs are met. All support is assessed and adapted accordingly using the ‘Plan, Do, Review’ cycle.



Sheldwich is a  very friendly and open school and pre-school. We value the importance of building positive relationships with parents, families and our local community. If your child is identified as having SEN-D, meetings take place on a formal and informal basis, as our door is always open to the concerns of parents. We formally hold two parents evenings a year alongside with two formal reports being written to communicate successes and next step targets; children and parents are encouraged to take an active part in the delivery and planning of support, and training/advice can be offered or sourced as necessary.

We believe all children are entitled to the same access to extra-curricular activities, and are committed to making reasonable adjustments to ensure participation for all.

Little Hedgehogs Pre-school and Sheldwich Primary School are fully compliant with DDA (Disability Discrimination Act) requirements. All buildings and outside areas have easy access. There is one disabled toilet and we ensure that wherever possible equipment used is accessible to all children regardless of their need.


Specialist services or expertise that are available at or accessed by Sheldwich Primary School and Little Hedgehogs Pre-school

At Little Hedgehogs Pre-School and Sheldwich Primary School we are able to approach Specialist Teaching Services for advice and support with children who have a variety of Special Educational Needs, through a referral to LIFT (Local Inclusion Forum Team). Children in Little Hedgehogs, Class R  and children with an EHCP have access to Speech and Language Therapy Service (SALT).  Through referral, we also access Occupational Therapy, the School Nursing Team, Early Help, Paediatricians, CHYPMHS (Children and Young Person Mental Health Service). We can also help with private referrals for assessment of Dyslexia/Dyscalculia. We are able to fund support from a Well-being Support Worker and assessments by an Educational Psychologist for the children with most need, in order to understand what support is needed for an individual child.

Details of KCC SEND Provision (Local Offer) can be found here:


Staff training to  support children with SEND

Autistic and Dyslexia friendly classroom practices are reflected throughout the whole school. Staff are supported to ensure they are meeting the needs of dyslexic and autistic children and we seek advice from a specialist teacher where appropriate.The skills and knowledge of  Class Teachers and Learning Support Assistants are updated during staff meetings with the SENCO/Subject Leaders. Training to date has covered: Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder, Language for Learning, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia (difficulties with fine and gross motor skills), Lego Therapy, Sensory Processing, Auditory Memory, Selective Mutism, Well-being and SALT.



Preparing for transition

Transition is a part of life for all learners, whether that involves moving to a new class or moving to a new school. We recognise that transition can be an unsettling time for all children, but especially so for a child with SEN. Consequently, we work closely with parents, pupils and staff to ensure these transitions run as smoothly as possible.

Little Hedgehogs  and Class R  staff  carry out home visits and visits to nursery settings, prior to children starting our setting or school. Concerns about particular needs are brought to the attention of the SENCO. Where necessary the SENCO arranges a further meeting with parents, previous setting etc.

Class teachers of children joining from other schools will receive information from the previous school; if required the SENCO will telephone previous school to discuss individual pupil’s needs.

Planning for transitions within the school will take place in the Summer Term; arrangements for transition to Secondary School for pupil with SEN will be planned according to individual need and the receiving school.


Useful SEN Support Websites


Specific Learning Needs


 British Dyslexia association

Dyslexia House Association



Dyspraxia Foundation


Irlen Syndrome information

 Irlen Syndrome Foundation


Social Communication Needs


 The National Autistic Society


 The Kent Autistic Trust


Social, Emotional and Mental Health

 Young Minds


Language Needs

 Talking Point


Physical Disabilities

SCOPE - the disability equality charity




