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Healthy School Council Meeting

Monday 26th February 2024


We discussed and fedback all the wonderful ideas the classes had for developing our lunchtimes and wet play boxes. These included:

Lunchtime Equipment

Wet Play Boxes

Football Goals

A running track around the field

Outdoor gymnastic mats

Hoola Hoops

Table Tennis Tables

Cricket sets for KS1


Class Balls


New playground markings

Colouring books

Battle Ships


Uno Flip

Game of Life

Chess sets for each class

Guess Who


Selection of Fidget Toys

Connect 4

We then discussed the issue of cars waiting idly with their engines on in Lees Court Road. There was a conversation about the impact of the polluting gases on our health. Therefore we decided to make some posters to remind car owners to turn their engines off if they are waiting in the queue.

Please let the council members complete their posters and return to me with their names on the back.

T4 - Healthy Schools Meeting

The Healthy School Council met with Mrs Garrett on Friday 13th October to discuss ideas about new lunchtime play equipment.

Healthy School Representatives 2023/2024




Class 1 - Marnie & Arthur

Class 2 - Phoebe & Alex

Class 3 - Eve & Callum

Class 4 - Arthur & Sienna

Class 5 - Abby & Viggo

Class 6 - Connie & Rufus

Yoga and Mindfulness session

Term 4 - 24th February 2023


The Healthy School Council had a yoga and mindfulness session with Sarah from 'Once Upon a Time' yoga. We had a wonderful time learning some breathing and destressing techniques, yoga poses and mindfulness games. We are now going back to our classes and teaching them some of these skills for a 'healthy me'.

Term 2 - Healthy Eating Workshops for Years 3-6


We welcomed Darren from 'Roots to Food' healthy eating workshop, who lead a wonderfully interactive session with each of our junior classes. The children all wore chef hats and aprons and got the chance to learn practical cooking skills, nutritional knowledge and food techniques. In groups, they all prepared, cooked and ate a wonderful dish of chicken teriyaki noodles. Take a look at the recipe below and give it a go at home.

Term 1 Meeting - 26th September 2022


I met with all the newly appointed Healthy School Representatives to talk about their role for the year. I explained that our job is to consider and look after the healthiness of the school. This comprises of us looking into  fitness and exercise and healthy eating.

I then asked the committee for aims and ideas for the year ahead and here are a few of their suggestions.

  • Smoothie bike workshop
  • Daily exercise as a class
  • Classes to take part in 1 minute exercise challenges a week
  • New sports workshops for each class
  • A day of tasting healthy fruits and vegetables
  • A healthy eating week


All of the suggestions were well thought out and I will look forward to whittling them down to some focus areas for the school year.

Mrs Fairs
