We have learnt lots of new sounds again this week:
or (like 'er') - work, worm, word
ear (like 'er') - search, pearl
oul - shoulder, boulder
ou (like 'oo') - soup, you
ve (like 'v') - have, give, move
ie (like 'ee') - shield, field
y (like 'i') - cygnet, sycamore
a (like ‘o’) – swan, swallow
o (like ‘oa’) – both, host
ch (like ‘sh’) – chef, machine
u (like ‘yoo’) – unicorn, uniform, music
u (like ‘oo’) – bush, full, put
ch (like ‘k’) – school, orchestra
ea (like ‘e’) – heather, meadow
a (like 'ai') - apricot, apron
eigh (like 'ai') - eight, sleigh, neighbour
ey (like 'ai') - grey, they
ea (like 'ai') - great, break
e (like 'ee') - we, he, she, me
y (like 'igh') - sky, my, fly, try
i (like 'igh') - tiger, wild, child
a (like 'ar') - father, fast, class, after
We were very lucky to be able to go to our local church to talk with Reverend Peter about the Nativity.
We have had lots of fun with Mrs Caverly over in our Forest School!
We had a wonderful time during our R.E. day thinking about how Christians celebrate Christmas and if this is the same or different to how people who don't follow a religion celebrate Christmas. We learnt about the Nativity story, wrote letters to Santa, made Christmas cards, did some art for our local church and made some tree decorations. Mrs Ashmore also put on a Christingle workshop for us which we loved!
We had great fun with Mrs Twynam who helped us to make some mince pies over in the Little Hedgehogs kitchen!
We had a wonderful trip to Brogdale where Emma taught us all about the different fruit that they grow and how the seasons and weather affect the fruit growth. We got to eat lots of different varieties of apples from their orchard and also had a go at making apple juice! We played with the musical instruments and weather station and had fun in the afternoon with some weather-based craft activities.
We had such a wonderful STEM week and really enjoyed working around the theme of 'Time'. We did some timed challenges, looked at seasonal changes, played with the slow-mo features on the iPad cameras, experimented with sand timers and designed and made our own analogue clocks.
We learnt about Northern Ireland and sorted the physical and human features found there. We made The Giant's Causeway out of Lego and Duplo, collaged the Irish flag and coloured in shamrocks.
We had lots of fun bringing our teddies into school. We spoke to our friends about what our teddies were called and why they were special to us and then our friends could ask us questions about our teddies.
We learnt about England and sorted the natural and physical features found there. We made roses out of paper spirals, practised our cutting skills with London buses, collaged St George's flags and built bridges out of Lego and Duplo.
We learnt about Wales and sorted the physical and human features found there. We made dragons out of Play-Doh and Lego and decorated some beautiful yellow daffodils.
We learnt about Scotland in Topic. We made tissue paper thistles, Loch Ness Monsters out of Play-Doh and collaged St Andrew's Flags.
We have been reading Grandad's Island in English. We did some hotseating where we pretended to be characters from the book and then answered questions from our friends as either Syd or Grandad.
We had great fun with Ellen on the Balance Bikes and can't wait for our next session!
Butterflies have thoroughly enjoyed Sports Week and we have tried many new sports. Sports Day was also a success!