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KS1 Phonics and Reading Scheme

At Sheldwich, we believe that creating an environment in which children learn to love reading is an absolutely integral part of every pupil's learning journey. This journey begins in our Pre-School setting with a rich variety of adult-led text sharing and fun & engaging phonics activities. In our Early Years setting and during Key Stage 1, children develop their reading skills through the colour-banded reading scheme structure, choosing both decodable and 'sharing' books. Decodable books can be read by the children independently using the phonics skills and knowledge they have acquired in class and 'sharing' books are to be read alongside an adult at home. We focus on the children choosing their own texts and having independence in what they want to read - this structured freedom of choice being an integral part of fostering the children's life long love of reading.


Our Phonics teaching follows the ‘Essential Letters and Sounds’ scheme. It is a pacey scheme that ensures progression across Key Stage 1 leading to the development of key, age-appropriate spelling and reading skills. In Classes R, 1 and 2 children access the Essential Letters and Sounds program through daily, discrete Phonics lessons. The statutory Phonics Screening takes place during Year One with children able to repeat the screening in Year Two if they haven't previously met the required standard. Please see the 'Phonics' policy below for further detail.

Essential Letters and Sounds

Please click on the links below to access videos which will help you to support your child/ren with their phonics.


These sounds are taught in Phase 2. Little Hedgehogs and Reception children will be taught these sounds.



These sounds are taught in Phase 3. Reception children will be taught these sounds.



These sounds are taught in Phase 5. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children will be taught these sounds.
