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Sheldwich Music Development Plan

Music Intent, Implementation and Impact

Subject Lead: Mr Daintree




The music teaching at Sheldwich follow the guidance and specification of the National Curriculum and give pupils the opportunity to: 

  • Perform, listen to, review and evaluate music 

  • be taught to sing, create and compose music 

  • understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated 

At Sheldwich, children gain an understanding of what music is through listening, singing, playing, evaluating, analysing, and composing across a wide variety of historical periods, styles, traditions, and musical genres. We aim to encourage a respect for the part music has played in different cultures around the world and we aim to ensure that children understand the value and importance of music in the wider community. The children at Sheldwich will build on skills learnt year by year, developing their knowledge and practical understanding of the elements of music, composition and performance.  



Music at Sheldwich Primary School delivers on the requirements of the National Curriculum, through weekly class teaching, whole-class instrument lessons, singing assemblies, year group performances and productions. Class teachers generally link their music teaching to their termly ‘topic’ theme and many use ‘charanga’ units of work to support this too.  


Within the EYFS setting, music is an important part of the children’s learning – using sung rhymes, phonics learning and instrument use. Pupils learn a wide variety of songs together and have opportunities to perform in front of their peers to aid the children’s understanding of the importance of music in communicating thoughts and ideas.  


Children at Sheldwich have the benefit of whole-class Djembe lessons in Years 1 and 6 from ‘Drumming for Drums’, while Year 5 also learn the recorder through whole-class lessons from our Music Coordinator. During these lessons pupils have opportunities to listen to, compose and perform music on their instruments alongside developing their knowledge and understanding of the elements of music.  At Sheldwich, pupils can also learn Piano and Guitar on a 1:1 basis through Kent Music’s peripatetic teacher provision. There are also excellent opportunities for KS2 pupils to engage in weekly composition practice and production understanding through a Music Technology extra-curricular club, in which children learn how to compose music using a ‘digital audio workstation’ building upon their learning during school-time.  


Performing is an important part of music at Sheldwich – children have the opportunity in KS1 to perform in front of an audience through harvest festivities, Christmas nativities, carol services, Easter services and class assemblies. As well as many of these opportunities, children in KS2 also perform in our end of key stage production. The entire school takes part in a ‘performing arts’ week, where a particular focus on performance is placed on music and drama learning, culminating in a showcase of the week’s thematic focus from every class.  



As a result of our teaching you will see: 


  • Engaged children who are all challenged, inspired, and excited by the music they hear and play.  

  • Confident children who can all talk about different musical styles, the elements of music and famous composers/artists. 

  • Lessons where music is being played, practiced, and enjoyed.  

  • Performances where children feel confident, prepared, and enthusiastic 

  • Learning that is tracked and monitored through photographic/audio evidence and pupil voice (conversations with pupils) 



Teacher assessment and pupil self-assessment are an integral part of learning at Sheldwich. Teachers will assess the children’s progress in music on a termly basis, alongside their relevant learning outcomes from that terms’ focus, while formative assessments will be made on a continuous basis during music lessons, ensuring the progress of all pupils.  

Reporting to Parents and Carers takes place regularly through informal updates if/when required, during consultation sessions held twice a year and through a formal written ‘Mid-Year’ and ‘End of Year’ report. 
