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Dick Whittington Pantomime for the whole school

Religious Education Day

Religious Education Day at Sheldwich Primary School was on Friday 22 November 2024. The learning intention of the day was to address the Key Question: How do people from religious and non-religious communities celebrate festivals, focusing on Christmas. Following on from the success of last year’s event each class spent the entire day completing different creative tasks. They made cards and decorations from natural and recycled materials (linked to our Natural Thinkers accreditation) for the school Christmas tree. Each class developed team work as they created a collective class piece of artwork inspired by lines from the Carol - ‘The First Noel’. They are now proudly on display in St James Church.  Rather than do cooking on the actual day each class has been able to enjoy an extended small group cooking experience with Mrs Twynam on the Mondays leading up to Christmas. The pupils made amongst other things Gingerbread and Mince pies. Reverend Hendy came in to share his thoughts about Christmas from the perspective as a Christian. Mrs Wiltshire and Mrs Garret, our Head Teacher, helped all pupils make Christingles in the hall, learning all about this German tradition which was adopted into the Christian Christmas calendar in 1968. The day was amazing, every pupil was engaged and able to consider thoughtfully the key question as to whether the experience, imagery or activity reflected secular or Christian traditions – values or a combination of both.  A huge thank you to everyone who helped in making the day a success. Mrs Ashmore RE Lead .  


Christmas Creative Art Work inspired by the Carol 'The First Noel' on display at St James Church

Hanukkah with Rabbi Cliff Cohen

Advent with Rev Peter

Remembrance Day

Harvest Art Work Inspired by Estelle Whites Autumn Days song on display at St James Church

British Values the General Election

As the country went to vote in the  General Election on Thursday 4 July  we at Sheldwich learnt about British Values and  democracy as we  held our own elections in the hall.

Little Hedgehogs, Ladybirds, Butterflies and Dragonflies  voted for their favourite fruit.  They had fun trying the different fruits first, they then got to go into the voting booth to mark their ballot papers. 

Strawberries won with a landslide..

In Key Stage 2 they  learnt all about the different political parties manifestos and then voted for who they would like to run the country.

The Green Party won with Labour  as runners up. 

During Sports Week, the school enjoyed a fun filled, action packed Olympic themed Sports Week with coaching sessions for the children in sitting volleyball, badminton, archery, rhythmic gymnastics, KS1 mini-Olympics, skateboarding, rugby and taekwondo. I hope it gave everybody a chance to sample sports they might not have tried before and you may have found one you really enjoyed and want to carry on. All the children made a personal Olympic medal from clay, which had super designs on them. Each class also produced a wonderful piece of Olympic sport inspired art. We focused on promoting the school games values of: honesty, passion, determination, selfbelief, teamwork and respect. Children that exhibited these values may have been awarded stickers to celebrate that. We also enjoyed a very hot Sports Day which saw a huge effort from all the children participating and to those cheering their class mates on. Thank you for all your support in attending the day and to the P.T.A. for their wonderful refreshments.

Sports Week - Pupil Voice

Class 4 

  • ‘I really enjoyed Sports Day, especially the running races.’
  • ‘I wanted to compete in every race on Sports Day’
  • ‘I really liked the Scarecrow Race, even though I came last. It’s not embarrassing as your team always cheer you and also you get another chance next year.’

Class 5 

  • Sports Week has been excellent, we have done man fun activities especially skateboarding, taekwondo and archery.
  • I have really enjoyed Sports Week. I have really liked archery in particular and taekwondo ad I was proud of myself for learning self defence.
  •  Sports Week is always really fun, though this one has been amazing! Skateboarding was epic eventhough I was a newbie I felt like a pro.
  • I really enjoyed the rugby session and the archery was really good. I hit two tens in the centre which I was proud of. In total the whole week was really good.
  • I think that Sports Week went extremely well; skateboarding was pretty epic, I have never been on a skateboard before! Taekwondo was nice and  I learnt some self defence and the coach was really nice.
  • I really enjoyed Sports Week because I enjoyed doing things we don't normally do. Skateboarding was really fun because I liked learning how to flip it over. I thought it was really fun and I hope we do it again ext year.
  • I loved Sports Week and enjoyed all the activities Mrs Fairs arranged for us. I loved doing skateboarding and learning new skills and doing the art work too!

Visit from Kent Police Friday 14th June

A huge thank you to PC Tyler and Sergeant Deacon for taking the time to visit Sheldwich this morning. They spent some time speaking to our Year 6 class about looking after their property and staying safe and then enjoyed some time talking to the other children on the playground during lunch break.   Sergeant Deacon also showed the children some very impressive football skills smiley


Sheldwich School History Day - field work and research!

Iman Issa and Yousef visit Sheldwich to celebrate Ramadan

We were delighted as a school to welcome Iman Issa and Yousef from the Canterbury Mosque  to the school on Monday the 11th March to celebrate the start of Ramadan.  They held  two school assemblies from years 1-6 and R and Pre-School. It was really interesting learning all about fasting and the different traditions surrounding this important time in the Islamic calendar.


World Book Day 2024


                                   Staff and children have had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day.


Sheldwich Staff World Book Day 2024



Little Hedgehogs Pre-School - At Little Hedgehogs for book week we shared the traditional tale of the Gingerbread man. We had great fun making puppets, drawing pictures and making yummy gingerbread people to help us remember the story. We did Write dance and Disco Dough to the music and had a wonderful time immersing ourselves in the story and learning the repeated refrain “Run Run Run as fast as you can you cannot catch me I’m the Gingerbread Man.” We carried out a dunking biscuit science experiment to fully appreciate why the Gingerbread man accepted the ride across the river on the foxes back. We firmly believe ‘writing float on a sea of talk’ so we spent a long time talking about the story developing our comprehension, inference and deduction skills.

Class R - Ladybird have enjoyed tales from Norway 'How the Bear Got It's Tail' and 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'. We have looked at 'The Baobab Tree' from Africa, 'The Fish That Talked' from India and the chinese story 'The Magic Pear Tree.

Class 1 - In Butterflies for Book Week we have been reading a selection of tales from around the world. We have located where these stories are from on a map of the world. We have made a book cover for the story 'Why The Owl Has Such Big Eyes.' We also altered the tale of 'The Amazing Tea Kettle' using the children's ideas of the tea kettle they would imagine. Along with this the class have thoroughly enjoyed teachers coming in to read to them and making bookmarks.

Class 2 - We have been looking at some of the stories that orignated from the great Persian storytellers, many of which have been part of the '1001 Nights' collection. We have looked at the 'Three Balls of Wool' tale (the original Rapunzel story!), 'Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves' and the 'The Tale of the Caliph who Turned Into A Stork'. The children have written a newspaper article about a missing Caliph in Baghdad and have also had a go at writing in their own 1002nd tale to join the collections, set in ancient Persia.

Class 3 - In Squirrels Class, we have been looking at a selection of stories from ‘A Year Full of Stories’ by Angela McAllister and Christopher Corr. We have looked at the traditional Choctaw story of Grandmother Spider bringing fire to Earth which led to us writing our own stories for how fire may have come to Earth. We also liked the story of the Ship of Wheat and how the Lady of Stavoren had interpreted what is meant by ‘precious’. We then spent some time debating what the most precious thing was. After several rounds of voting, we landed on family being the most precious thing, although nature was a close second!

Class 4 - Otters start Book Week listening to the Chinese Tale 'The Dragon's Peal' and then planned and began to draft their own tale exploring 'How the Rain Came To Be'. These were edited/completed as final drafts during Governors' visits on Friday. They then looked at an African Tale 'How the Freshwater Mussel Brought Rain' and read and discussed the story in small groups. They responded by writing a short piece about the rain song of a chosen animal from the tale onto the underneath of their own hand drawn rain cloud. The class made bookmarks and are designing book covers for the Dragon's Pearl.

Class 5 - Our focus for Book Week has been animal folktales. We read and shared a variety of folktales from a range of different continents and used atlases to locate the countries and continents that the stories were set in. We then planned, drafted and edited our own version of animal folktales giving reasons for why or how the animals had their particular features. We enjoyed making bookmarks and 3D covers for our favourite books. We also took inspiration from a couple of our folktales and painted turtles using watercolours.

Class 6 - Badgers supplemented our reading of the 'Jungle Book' and 'Into The Jungle' by exploring some Indian Folk Tales. We found a series of fun tale about the 16th century Mughal emperor Akbar and his advisor, Birbal. We made comics and wrote our own versions of the stories. We also wrote book reviews for our favourite books.

Arts Week 2024

Arts Week 2024 This year Sheldwich took part in the 'Take One Picture' event run by the National Gallery. We learnt about the painting 'A courtyard of a house in Delft.' by Pieter De Hooch. Everyone made a door based on a door in their house and also made a picture of a domestic scene at home using different mediums. Jo from Animate Arts displayed all of the doors in an Art gallery at the end of the week. We had a fantastic arts week!

First Girls only football match


On Monday 11th December 2023, history was made at Sheldwich Primary school. In the first time in its 155 year history, Sheldwich hosted and took part in its first all-female football match against Selling school. It was a closely contested football game, which Sheldwich started as the front runners; Mollie scoring the first goal in the first 5minutes!This was closely followed by a second goal scored by Grace. Selling showed determined spirit and after some wonderful saves from Sheldwich Goalie Eadie, Selling scored not only in the last minute but also in the last second of the first half resulting in a tie going in to half time 2-2.

Selling emerged from the half time break in fighting spirits and scored another goal in the first 5 minutes. Sheldwich Mollie soon equalized and there followed some equally matched team skills and spirits with Sheldwich Caitlin saving some great goals and wonderful defence and tackles by Safi.

The last quarter of the match saw Sheldwich Mollie gaining a hat trick goal which the whole team held on to and  the final score was  4-3 to Sheldwich.

Fantastic teamwork was shown by all the players: Avie, Caitlin, Eadie, Emilia, Emilie, Grace, Maya, Mollie, Nancsi, Safiyya, Sophie,


A big thank you to the girl’s coach, Mr Wilson and all the supporters on the side-lines.

R.E. Day 


On Tuesday 28th November the whole school took part in ‘Religious Education Day’. The inspiration for this day was drawn from the Kent Agreed Syllabus- 

Key Question: How do people from religious and non-religious communities celebrate key festivals?

We focused on Christmas. 

On Monday  Rev Peters spoke to the children all about Advent and how Christians prepare for Christmas. Following this on Tuesday we were delighted to welcome Warren and Daltons Grandma  Rev Burgess to school, she  delivered a Key Stage 2 assembly and then spoke to each infant class in turn including Little Hedgehogs. She told us all about  what it is like to be a Christian at Christmas time and how busy the church is.  Continuing this family link we were thrilled to have so many parents brave enough to come in and talk to the children about their experiences of Christmas.    

Each class created a collective work of art depicting the title of a Christmas carol, these stunning pieces of Art work were on display in the school hall now they have been taken to the local St James Church to be shared with the community.  Each child made a card and decorations thinking carefully about whether it represented a Christian or secular perspective of Christmas. The day made many cross curricular links as some classes developed their Design Technology skills as they made mince pies, other classes developed fine motor control as they made fiddly Christingles, thinking about what each element represented. The day was a resounding success and I am hoping that it will become an annual event in the Sheldwich calendar. 

STEM week

We had so much fun during our ‘Movie Magic’ STEM week. There were so many different activities completed from Little Hedgehogs, all the way up to Badgers that were inspired by film clips. Some of these included:


  • Insulating ice and building ice castles inspired by Frozen
  • Lego creations and Lego ziplines inspired by the Lego Movie
  • Robots inspired by Wall-E
  • Learning about sea creature adaptations inspired by Finding Nemo
  • Learning about sinking and floating and making boats inspired by Moana
  • Creating stop-motion animations with plastecine and toys
  • Making omelettes and learning about healthy eating inspired by Ratatouille 


Some classes also looked at reversible and irreversible changes by seeing how popcorn ‘pops’!


Dragonflies, Squirrels, Otters, Foxes and Badgers also all competed in the Bebras Computing Challenge during the week, which tested their computational thinking.


Additionally, all classes had a Virtual Reality Workshop in which they donned virtual reality headsets to explore the rainforest, space or the human body. These were truly fascinating and provided such a memorable learning experience for our children. This activity was partly funded by the PTA – thank you!

Receiving the Kent SACRE WIRE Award - from Mrs Wigg


WIRE Award - Widening Inclusivity in Religious Education.

On 14th September we were thrilled to receive the Kent SACRE WIRE Award from Mrs Wigg. The WIRE award is  run by SACRE - Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education. This is the statutory body which holds responsibility for advising the Local Authority on matters to do with RE and collective worship in Kent schools.

It works on a tri annual basis, supports British values and required us as a school to complete four elements.

1)To attend an RE course.

2)To take a group of pupils to visit a Christian place of worship and encounter members of the Christian community which worships there.

Ladybirds Class Visited St James Church 2nd November


Ladybird Class  Visited Canterbury Cathedral 1st December 2022   The BUNCE trust provided funding  for the coach.                                              


Butterflies Class Visited St James Church in Sheldwich, Thursday 8th December 2022                                                                 


Otters Class visited Canterbury Cathedral-22nd November – The BUNCE trust provided funding  for the coach.


Badger Class- Virtual tour of St Pauls-7th October 22 please see attached.


3a) To take a group of pupils (or staff) to visit a place of worship of another faith and encounter at least one community member

Dragonflies class visited Thanet Synagogue- 21st April 23

Following the visit Rabbi Cliff said:

“The classes that visited my synagogue were also respectful, attentive and clearly interested, and answered an enthusiastic ‘YES’ when I asked them if they had enjoyed their visit and if they had learned anything. I would be more than happy to work with you and your Sheldwich school again.


3b) Arrange for pupils to welcome someone of a non-Christian faith to school as part of a series of lessons on that faith

Rabbi Cliff  visited Pre-School and classes R-2 then all of the Juniors together in the hall on  18th April 23. He came in to share with the children all of the details and traditions about the festival of Passover. One of the children's grandparents had lent the school her SEDER plate so Rabbi Cliff was able to use this artifact as he spoke to the pupils giving it extra meaning


Following the visit Rabbi Cliff commented

"My own experience was that the children were interested in learning about my Jewish faith, paying attention throughout in each age group, asking relevant questions. The RE events were clearly highly successful, the children have learned a lot in a most enjoyable way.”


Mr & Mrs Noor visited Little Hedgehogs Pre-School to talk about the Muslim Festival of Eid on Friday 21st April. The intention was for the children to understand why this festival is important to Muslim families.


4a Arrange an RE event in school, or locally, which includes aspects of more than one faith, or focuses on a religion or worldview not held by most of the school.

For the past three years we have held whole school RE Days.

20-21 The intention was to look at Christian symbols at Christmas Time.

21-22 We focused as a school on the festival of Diwali.

22-23 The focus was on the Passover, Rabbi Cliff came in to talk to us about the festival prior to the day so that he could spend longer with each class, and to deliver some carefully targeted  pre-teaching.

On the day each class created a collective piece of Art work on one of the 10 plagues.

      Each class was able to take part in an active cooking based design technology activity run by the parents Miss Netherton, Mrs Wiltshire and Mrs Diddams.

Mike Leigh one of the school Trustees completed an informal RE visit to each class in the afternoon so that he could observe all of the work which was taking place and capture the child’s voice in real time.

One child commented enthusiastically “I haven’t done any work today” as he was so engaged and inspired by what he was doing.  The impact of having an annual event like this every year is that it raised the profile of RE within the school and it enhances the pupils enthusiasm. It also enables teachers to see how RE can be delivered in an exciting cross curricular way. Teachers feel inspired and motivated to deliver the subject in new and imaginative ways.

4b Enter a Competition to do with RE (such as ‘Spirited Arts)

For ARTS week- May 23 – All pupils throughout the whole school either individually or collectively as a class created an original and imaginative piece of work for the Spirited Arts Award.  

Arts Week 



This year Arts week had a theme of 'Printing' We each had a type of printing which we explored during the week. 

Little Hedgehogs and Ladybirds used everyday materials. Butterflies did block printing. Dragonflies did carbon paper monoprinting. Squirrels made collagraph prints using collage materials. Otters did monotype printing in the positive and negative. Foxes had a go at screen printing which proved unsuccessful in the end but had fun exploring it. They had fun exploring other types of printing as well. Badgers did linoprinting.  We also used our outdoor learning area to do some printing. Mr Caryer and Mrs Heinsen led a workshop learning about the history of printing and using an Adana press. Mr Higgins also did monotype printing with groups of children from each class.

NATRE - Spirited 'Arts in Heaven' Competition 2023 - School entry winners

       Coronation Celebrations

         As part of the celebrations to mark the coronation of King Charles the school enjoyed a terrific street party wearing their wonderful crowns, singing the national anthem amongst the bunting bedecked playground and, of course, eating the feast! We also found out some interesting coronation facts, made golden coaches, new royal emblems and created portraits. To top it all we had a fantastic performance by Circo Rum Ba Ba with a special cameo performance by one of our own Year 6 pupils - well done Isaac smiley

Religious Education  Day  Wednesday 19th April 2023

This years RE day was linked explicitly to the ‘EXPRESSING’ strand of the Kent agreed syllabus  2022-2027.

Learning Objective: to understand how and why Jews celebrate the festival of Pesach.


RE day started on Tuesday 18th April with a visit from Rabbi Cliff, he visited the Pre-School and all of the infant classes individually sharing with them the story of Passover. Later in the day he spoke at length to all of the Junior classes in the hall where he discussed the symbolism behind all of the different Pesach traditions and the children had the opportunity to ask lots of questions.


Following  Rabbi Cliff’s  introduction to Passover on the Tuesday on the Wednesday  pupils learnt more about Moses life and appreciated how traditions around the seder plate and meal help Jewish people to remember the story.  Pupils were encouraged to reflect on the important themes of Pesach such as  freedom, faithfulness to God: and the Jewish people’s place as God’s Chosen or Favoured People – rescued from slavery  and brought into the Promised Land. We shared the epic story of the Exodus through text, art, film and drama, exploring the relationship between the people and God. We used a range of cross curricular methods such as Art, DT and practical cooking activities as we really wanted to inspire and engage the children into remembering different elements of the story and how  Pesach is celebrated in Jewish homes today.

Little Hedgehogs

Rabbi Cliff came to  Pre-School and read the story  of ‘Pippa’s First Passover’ to us. We did really good ‘story sitting’ as we were very interested to meet someone new, especially when he told us why he wears his special hat.  We  got to have a close look at Winnie’s Grandma’s special SEDER plate, the lamb bone was very heavy. We had a go at making some charoset paste for the SEDER plate it was a bit tricky but surprisingly tasty.

Ladybirds Class

We enjoyed a visit from Rabbi Cliff  we learnt all about the Passover and the SEDER plate. We were very excited to see our Mummies Mrs Wiltshire, Ms Netherton and Mrs Diddams in the hall, they came in to help us and the other classes in the school make some special food linked to the story of Moses and the Passover. We iced some yummy parting of the Red Sea cup cakes. We learnt all about how Moses argued with the Pharaoh and made some frogs to remind us of the plagues.

Butterflies Class

 We were excited to meet Rabbi Cliff as we got to try some of his special Matzos crackers which helped remind us of the  part of the story when the Israelites had to flee in the middle of the night and didn’t have time for the bread to rise.  We made our own SEDER plates. We learnt all about the story of Moses and made some sticky flies to remind us about the plagues. In the hall we got really messy as we made some crunchie chocolate baby Moses baskets inspired by the early part of  Moses life when his Mummy floats him down the river in a basket to keep him safe and he is rescued by the Pharaohs daughter.  

Dragonflies Class

We focused on the plagues in the Jewish story of Passover.  We created comic strips of the plagues, detailing each individual one. We  created our own Seder plate that Jewish families may use to celebrate the Seder meal with to help them remember the different aspects of life under slavery in Egypt. As a practical activity, we  learnt how to make unleavened flat-bread in the style of the Passover breads that Jewish families might eat at Passover. 

In addition to the activities on RE Day, we had the opportunity to visit a synagogue during the same week and were able to experience Jewish customs and traditions in their own place of worship. We met with Rabbi Cliff who spoke about the way in which his congregation worship each week and how the Torah is read and cared for. 

Squirrels Class

 In Squirrels, we learnt about the Seder plate and thought about how each part was representative of a memory of historical part of Judaism. We then had a go at making our own Seder plate and put food on it that gave us happy memories. We also made a clay cartouche with our names on it and created a piece of scratch art to match our Plague of Darkness. We had a great day!

Otters Class

 In Class 4, we learned about the history of the Jewish people  ‘A Little History of the World’, before reading the story of the 10 plagues of Egypt and watching a scene form the Prince of Egypt. We created a comic strip of the 10 plagues and invented out our own seder plates to remember significant events from our past. We also folded a swarm of origami locusts and cooked some delicious hamantaschen.

Foxes Class

We  completed a great many activities on RE day! We were really  interested  in Rabbi Cliff’s visit on the previous day,  and we had lots of interested questions we wanted to ask from the start. We outlined the story of The Exodus before watching an animated version and we wrote thoughtful and detailed responses. We enjoyed getting really sticky making our coconut pyramids and fully appreciated the significance of this Passover treat.  In the afternoon we considered the issue of slavery from differing points of view , as well as working on dramatic interpretations of the story. Finally we looked at the importance of the Seder Plate and thought about what foods represented reflection and celebration in our own lives.

Badgers Class

We had a fantastic time during our R.E. During the morning sessions we looked into the background and practices of Judaism in general before 'zooming in' on the Passover. We found out WHY and HOW Jews observe the Passover and made some research notes in our R.E books. We looked at the Exodus story and focused in for our Art activity on the 10 plagues sent to Egypt. As a class, we worked as a team to create a large abstract collage representing the fifth plague - 'The Death of Livestock'. Whilst waited for our  turn to add our contribution to the collage we  created our own art work inspired by any of the ten plagues in our sketch books.

Next, we went to the hall where Mrs Ashmore and a team of fantastic parent helpers worked with the children to make cupcakes. Later in the day, once baked and cooled, we iced the cupcakes in blue and used these along with some strawberry bootlaces and fizzy fish to re-create the parted Red Sea from the Exodus story. Once photographed, the parted Red Sea was consumed enthusiastically by us.!

 In the afternoon, we worked in small groups to create drama sequences telling the story of the ten plagues, Moses' repeated requests for freedom to the stubborn Pharaoh and the enslaved people's eventual escape from Egypt.  Our dramatic performances were FANTASTIC – we developed such clever ideas were developed and  threw ourselves into  acting out each scene with great gusto.

Our final activity for the day, having watched each others performances, was to design our own Seder Plate - one where each of the 6 elements would represent an important event from within our own lives. We also enjoyed tasting two elements of the Seder Plate during this time, dunking our unrisen Matzah bread into both the Charoset and Maror. Most of us preferred the sweet apple of the Charoset!. We had a wonderful memorable RE  day.  

A Note of Thanks  to

 Rabbi Cliff for taking the time to come and visit us at Sheldwich. To Ms Netherton, Mrs Wiltshire and Mrs Diddam’s for organising  the cooking workshops we are very grateful as truly they could not have run without you. And to the Lyle family for lending us their SEDER plate and donating  the Matzo Crackers, Charoset and Horseradish we really appreciated your generosity and trust.

Performing Arts Week - The Great Composers

The Great Composers

Performing Arts Week was a fantastic week, where the school were able to focus specifically on classical music and developing their understanding of the genre's greatest composers. As well as the typical favourites (Mozart, Handel, Vivaldi etc...) the classes also focused on some 'unsung' heroes of the movement as well. 


The school were treated to a performance by a local string quartet, where lots of the famous pieces were performed beautifully and the school were exposed to ample examples of classical music throughout the week too. 


After appraising different classical pieces the children tried their hand at composing and performing  classical music in similar fashion, using the school's instruments and technology. Each class also focused on a couple of composers at a deeper level, to delve into their history and the stories surrounding their composed pieces. In our celebration assembly, every class from R to 6 had some performers showcase examples of classical music performed by the children themselves.


It truly was an inspiring week!


Mr Daintree

STEM week

We had an amazing time during STEM week! Our theme was ‘Investigations’ and we conducted investigations, experiments and exploration in all 4 areas: Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. The aim was to have lots of hands-on, practical and fun learning experiences.

We had some Chemistry teachers visit us from Canterbury Academy to support the junior classes in their understanding of solids, liquids and gases. We made play dough to consolidate our understanding of changing states. Class 5 were also very lucky to be visited by Ms Hummerstone, a Physics teacher, who prepared a number of investigations to support their Science topic ‘Forces’.



When completing our Science investigations, we made predictions for what we thought the outcomes of our investigation would be, we made lots of observations and sometimes recorded results and then we formed conclusions from our findings. This developed our key scientific skills.

Some of our investigations included:

  • Investigating the link between smell and taste by eating crisps whilst pinching our noses
  • Investigating how many helium balloons it would take to carry certain amounts of mass (which also turned into a learning opportunity about the longevity of the effects of helium!)
  • Investigating reaction times and comparing with how much sleep we’d had to see if there was a potential link
  • Investigating different sounds and the volume that different materials make in a shaker
  • Investigating thermal insulators by trying to keep a potato hot
  • Investigating the best biscuit for dunking
  • Observing changes made when combining two chemicals
  • Investigating how to make pennies shiny again
  • Investigating how to stop apples turning brown in our lunch box
  • Observing how skittles change in water
  • Investigating the by-products of chemical reactions and how we can tell they’re there (by using balloons to capture gas)



We all explored coding and programming as part of our ‘Technology’ investigation. The infants tried to follow a course by programming their BeeBots and the juniors had a go at writing some code for robots that are controlled by Microbits.  They had to try to make the robot go forwards, turn at a right angle and then return to them. If they could complete this, they then had the opportunity to try to write code for their robot that would allow it to travel around a course designed by Mr Burns.



When engineering, we explored techniques for building the tallest tower that could support itself, the best type of bricks for building freestanding towers, making catapults, investigating different types of paper planes and making bridges that could support the most amount of weight.



Some of our Maths investigations included ordering houses and chimneys by following directional instructions, creating and continuing patterns with shape and colour, working out how to win at games by positioning yourself strategically and investigating 3d shapes and their nets.

Tree Planting for the Queen's Green Canopy


A huge 'Thank You' to Mr Bill Harbour and all at Sheldwich Parish Council for inviting Sheldwich Primary to be part of the Queen's Green Canopy Tree Planting along Dayton Road.  Also special thanks to Mr Scutt aka Farmer Phil,  who, on a very wintery morning helped to transport the children to the field on the tractor and trailer - this was amazing fun! Also to Mrs Scutt for helping us with the planting.  35 of the lime trees were planted in springtime and the remaining 35 were planted by the children along with Mrs Garrett and Mrs Lay.  The children worked extra hard with back filling the holes as the ground was so frozen but it kept everyone warm!

Choir Performing at Macknade

Sheldwich Choir brought some Christmas-cheer to Macknade, when they performed a set of classic carols acoustically in their outdoor market! The children sung wonderfully and enjoyed performing to a packed audience!

Book Week 2022

Sheldwich enjoyed a fabulous Book Week between Monday 17th and Friday 21st of October. Our theme this year was ‘Powerfully Perfect Poetry’ or ‘Perfectly Powerful Poetry’ – it depends on who you ask! Either way, for this week we were concerned with all things poetic. In every class, teachers provided opportunities for children to read poetry, to discuss poetry, to write poetry and to perform poetry. Throughout the week we were engaged in all kinds of wonderful activities of the poetic variety – here are a few highlights...

  • On Monday we were visited by local poet Gary Studley who led our assembly and worked with every class through the course of the day to inspire the children to create their own poetry.
  • Teachers all swapped classes to read poetry in a different year group (I had a great time over in Little Hedgehogs).
  • Whole classes went to another class to participate in peer to peer reading on Friday morning.
  • On Thursday, members of the Deal Poet’s society visited to work with our Key Stage 2 classes. They shared and discussed their own poetry and engaged the children in a poetry writing activity – the outcomes from which were heard in a special assembly at the end of the day.
  • Throughout the week, each class rehearsed a piece of performance poetry which they delivered in our assembly on Friday.
  • The school wide poetry slam was also a great success – all willing participants performed a poem (either by someone else or, in many cases, of their own creation) in front of their classmates who then voted for their favourite. Each class winner received a brand new book from our book fair and performed in our whole school assembly on Friday.

Those are just a few of the things we got up to through the week, culminating in our dressing up day on Friday – never before have so many owls and pussycats been seen prowling the playground! A marvellous week was had by all.

Mr Cork

Geography and DT day

Wednesday 28th September 2022


Sheldwich had a fantastic Geography and DT day. The focus of our day was Harvest and foods that are seasonal to Kent. Each class thought of a recipe that could include seasonal fruits grown at this time of year. Ladybirds prepared and made a cooked apple. Butterflies designed and made a fruit salad. Dragonflies designed a label for a flapjack and chose the toppings. Squirrels made an apple crisp. Otters a layered flapjack. Foxes an apple crumble and Badgers a pickled slaw.

Every class went for a walk to see the field near our school to see how it has been harvested and compare the field to when we last went for a walk. Otters and Badgers walked that bit further to visit Mr Scutt's farm and see the cows being milked. We enjoyed a visit from Mr Gaskain to tell us foods that are grown on his farm.


Fund Raising Morning - Friday 15th July 2022

Sports Week 2022 - The Commonwealth Games


This year's Sports Week was themed around the Commonwealth Games which are being held in Birmingham in July. Every class had the chance to experience and play a multitude of sports some for the first time. Throughout the week, a selection of sports coaches visited Sheldwich to teach us a range of Commonwealth sports such as:  badminton, basketball (Crusaders), golf (Faversham Golf Club), athletics, tag rugby, archery and boxing (Olympia Boxing). During the week, we learnt about what the Commonwealth is and what countries are part of it, we designed medals and mascots and even completed some geometric sports art. A focus on the sports values: determination, passion, honesty, self-belief, respect and teamwork was also paramount in every class.

The children all seemed to have a wonderful experience below is a selection of pupil responses about the week.

 Class 1 - Butterflies

Claudine - 'I have loved doing the workouts, I got my body into it. Hockey was fun because we were competing.'

Isaac - 'We have got to do so many different sports. I liked football we got star points if our team won, that was so good.'

Roisin - 'This week we have learnt lots of new sports and I love PE. I learnt that lots of countries com together and compete in the Commonwealth Games.'


Class 2 - Dragonflies

Felix - 'I liked the badminton session because I play badminton in my garden, but it was nice to learn properly. I felt like I did well at the ‘scarecrow’ race at sports day because my team came second. I tried tag-rugby which I enjoyed – I liked that you had to pull people’s tags off!'

Hannah - I tried ‘long distance’ running this week, which I really enjoyed because I normally just sprint when I run, but I liked running for longer. I felt like I did well at the ‘sack race’ on sports day because I won the race!

Ella - I loved sports day because I did the ‘long distance’ race. I liked seeing everybody try their best. I think I did well at the ‘egg and spoon’ race too, even though I was very nervous. I tried badminton during sports week and I liked it because I liked learning how to hit a shuttle-cock.

Class 3 - Squirrels

Felix - 'I would like to carry on doing the boxing because it uses skills. I enjoyed doing the golf because it is quite a slow skillful game.'

Caitlin - 'I have loved boxing, cricket and rounders. I liked Sports Day/Sports Week because I like sports.'

Violet - 'I liked Sports Day because I got to improve my running. I'd like to play golf again and I'd like to continue more athletics because I like it.'

Class 4 - Otters

Skyla - 'It was really fun because we got to do sports and wear PE kit all week. On Sports Day, I liked doing all the races and standing on the podium (apart from when I fell off!) I liked the boxing as we learnt new things plus we did some push ups.'

Ethan H - 'I liked doing sports especially Sports Day and the basketball coach. I enjoyed the boxing it just wasn't long enough.'

Eadie - 'I like Sports Week because I enjoy sports. I liked the dodgeball, basketball coaching and the skipping race on sports day as I almost won. I would like to do more gymnastics.'

Class 5 - Foxes

Ilona - 'I loved Sports Week, it was really fun. I enjoyed archery and sports day. I am pleased with my archery as I got a bullseye.'

Seth - 'My thoughts on Sports Week were that is was amazing and I love sports. I really enjoyed Sports Day and playing rounders. I was pleased when I got on the podium three times on Sports Day.'

Rosa-Mae - 'I really enjoyed the skipping race because I could not stop smiling.'

Edward - 'This Sports Week I enjoyed playing every sport we tried. I was most proud of coming 3rd in the skipping race. I think this  is the best week of school'

Class 6 - Badgers

Ethan H - 'I enjoyed doing cricket at Sheldwich - I don't play cricket often and it was nice doing it somewhere else. The archery was fun too.'

Erin - 'I liked doing archery because I think of it as a solo sport but we got to play as a team.'

Natalie - 'I enjoyed playing badminton in the hall with the nets as it is not a sport I play often.'

National Meadows Day

St. Laurence Church Leaveland


It was with great pleasure that we accepted an invitation to sketch what is living in the churchyard at St Laurence Church.

Our images of flora and fauna are going to be displayed with professional artists in the church from Sat 2nd July.


What an exciting MfL day we had in Term 5! Every single class spent the day immersing themselves in language learning. The aim of the day was to promote language learning in an enjoyable and memorable way, which was definitely achieved! We are lucky enough that Mr Wallace is a fluent Spanish speaker and so he came round to every class to teach us a bit of Spanish and to explain how we learn languages. He showed us that we can find a lot of similarities between English and other languages and so sometimes, we already know a lot more than we think we do. Some other activities that took place throughout the day were:

  • Language breakfasts – eating some traditional breakfast foods from another country, learning how to say these foods in the language and how to express opinions on the food
  • Learning numbers, greetings, animals and colours through songs, rhymes and games
  • Engaging in role-play activities to greet someone new, ask them their name and how they are
  • Locating countries on a map
  • Learning about the culture and traditions in the country whose language we were learning
  • Making magnets with greetings and phrases in another language, like you might get as a souvenir on holiday
  • In Class 6, Mr Cork arranged to learn a few basic phrases and do an activity associated with each of the 10 different languages that the children in his class had familial links to!


History Day - Queen Elizabeth II's Reign


Each class in the school had a decade of the Queen's reign to learn about and explore during our History Day. Within their chosen decade, the children learnt about key events both of the Queen's life and historical events from around the world. We looked at some artefacts and items from the time period, performed some drama, designed new stamps and crowns and created timelines to show key historical events and inventions. A whole school timeline is displayed in the hall to show some of our learning from the day. 

Geography Day

A wonderful time was had by the children and staff exploring the countryside around the school using the footpaths through fields and woods. They all enjoyed a tasty Jazz apple, provided very kindly by Mr Macey- a local fruit grower, as a snack and energy giver!

Later in the day the children made maps of their journey and created art work. Class 4 went to the local dairy farm to meet with Mr Scutt and found out about milk production and transportation. Classes 3,5 and 6 met with Mr Gaskain to learn about fruit growing and supply and Mr Dean to find out about local land use and conservation.


Performing Arts Week: Beatlemania

This years Performing Arts Week was themed on The Beatles. Every class enjoyed focusing on the music, the artwork and the song writing skills of The Beatles. Throughout the week, classes spent time learning some of the classic songs to perform as a whole-class ensemble. During lesson time, classes also focused on learning melodies and rhythms that The Beatles created, while classes also designed some interesting artwork and created some beautiful pieces of written work, all inspired by the famous pop-group. We were lucky enough to enjoy a visit from 'The King's School' performing arts department, who helped us with learning a dance routine with a song, while we also were treated to a visit from a Jazz guitarist, who talked through and showed us how versatile some of the Beatles songs can be when interpreted by a Jazz musician.


There are some snap-shots from the week below, but do check the class-pages for some detail around what each individual class got up to during the week!

Visit from Circo Rum Ba Ba with their Shadow Shop show.  


We were incredibly lucky to have the amazing Circo Rum Ba Ba visit us again on 10th March.  All of the children, including the older children at Little Hedgehogs and staff enjoyed the Shadow Shop performance which had a really important message about the importance of looking after our planet.  


Please have a look at this brief clip on YouTube using the link below so you can see why we love their performances so much.



Arts Week


Sheldwich had a fantastic Arts Week based on the book 'It's Up to Us' 33 illustrators from across the world have contributed to this book which focuses on the environment and our responsibility to look after it. Each class chose a picture which the Art week revolved around. We learnt about the artist and their particular style and recreated a piece of art work in their style. We learnt about which country the art originated and the culture behind the picture. Each class then worked cross curricularly to immerse themselves in the picture using mediums such as painting, collage, sculpture and charcoal to name but a few. We also used our amazing outdoor environment to create works of art.




We had an amazing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) week in Term 2 which started with an assembly by Dr Nelson from Kings School who showed us lots of exciting experiments and proved to use that we are in fact all Scientists! The theme for our learning was ‘Our Future’, so we focussed on the environment, climate change and changing technologies.

We are really lucky that two of our parents are STEM ambassadors and they came in and did lots of workshops with us. Mrs Blair gave us an overview of environmental issues, waste and recycling and we made clipboards which we later used when she brought in some thermal cameras for us to investigate the energy efficiency of our school. We also played a game to highlight the injustice of environmental issues and how we are not all effected in the same way. Mr Blair helped us to all become engineers by teaching us how to make our own torches and letting us control a robot with a microbit – very cool!

Once we had made our torches, we designed, created and evaluated covers for them. We had to think about how the cover/case would enable the torch to be used in a practical way. Maybe it protected the torch? Or made it waterproof? Or made it stronger? Or had a handle for carrying the torch around easily?

Some other activities that we did throughout the week included:

  • Designing a new invention that would be helpful in the future

  • Learning about Greta Thunberg, the Fridays for Future movement and thinking of our own list of demands

  • Making clothes out of junk modelling

  • Solving binary codes

  • Using time lapse videos to see how the earth has changed in the last 30 years and thinking about why these changes have happened and how we can stop them