Sheldwich Primary School Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
The following document details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils.
It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the outcomes for disadvantaged pupils last academic year.
Pupil Premium Grant
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to schools to help disadvantaged pupils to raise attainment and improve progress. All schools are required to publish online the amount of Pupil Premium received and how this is being used. At Sheldwich Primary School we ensure that funds are used effectively, supplemented if necessary by the school’s budget to provide additional support in teaching and learning as well as assisting parents and carers with the cost of school trips and activities.
2021/22 – Total Grant £20,175
Eligible Pupils – 15 / School roll 211
The amount of PPG per pupil is as follows:
Pupils who have been registered for Free School Meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years | £1,345 |
Looked-after children (LAC) defined in the Children Act 1989
| £2,345 |
Pupils of armed service personnel
| £310 |
Pupils who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority because of adoption | £2,345 |
SATS results 2021/22.
End of Key Stage 2
Disadvantaged Pupils |
All Pupils |
Attainment | Percentage of pupils achieving ‘expected standard’ (reading maths tests and writing TA) | 67% | 85% |
Percentage of pupils achieving ‘higher standard’ (reading maths tests and writing TA) | 0% | 21% | |
Progress | Average scaled score in reading
| 105 | 108 |
Progress | Average scaled score in maths
| 103 | 108 |
2022/23 – Total Grant £20,775
Eligible Pupils – 15 / School roll 215
The amount of PPG per pupil is as follows:
Pupils who have been registered for Free School Meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years | £1,385 |
Looked-after children (LAC) defined in the Children Act 1989
| £2,410 |
Pupils of armed service personnel
| £320 |
Pupils who have ceased to be looked after by a local authority because of adoption | £2,410 |
The impact will be reported at the end of the academic year
Further Information for Parents and Carers